Summit Workshop Schedule

Workshop Session #1
Friday May 21, 11:15am-12:15pm Central Time
12:15pm Eastern, 10:15am Mountain, 9:15am Pacific
Don and Cathy Allsman- Preparing for Release: The Essential Steps
Vance Drum- Chaplaincy in a COVID-Disrupted World: Effective Ministry Amid Massive Need, Budget Cuts, Interruptions and Paperwork
Sung Joon Jang and Byron Johnson— The Effectiveness of The Prisoner’s Journey (TPJ) Among Prison Inmates
Steve Lowe– Youth Reentry Mentoring
Fred Nelson– Disruptive Networking: –CANCELLED
Jerry Blassingame— Creative Approaches to Reentry–NEW
Miea Walker– The Power of Organization: What Does it Mean to Use Technology to Build Power for People?
Workshop Session #2
Friday May 21 1:30pm-2:30pm Central Time
2:30pm Eastern, 12:30pm Mountain, 11:30am Pacific
Wendy Martin–Building and Maintaining an Effective Board
Krista Ortiz–Addressing Injustice Within the Criminal Justice System: How Should Christians Respond?
Romney Ruder–Lasting Change Begins in Our Backyards
Randy Southwell–Penetrating World Views: Helping People Understand the Gospel
Dean Trulear–Creating Church Culture for Correctional Ministry
Lettie Watkins–Self-Care for Chaplains
Workshop Session #3
Saturday May 22, 11:15am-12:15pm Central Time
12:15pm Eastern, 10:15am Mountain, 9:15am Pacific
Kristi Anderson–Justice-Involved Women: How We Should Care for Our Sisters
William Harrison–The Best Kept Secrets of People with Sex Offenses
Ilinda Jackson and Sandra Harris-Johnson–What Happens to the Children When Parent(s) are Incarcerated?
Andrew Lee–Empowering Prisoners for Movements that Change the World
Linda Thornbrugh and Christine Coleman–Excellence in a Volunteer Ministry
Joseph Williams– How to Apply for a Second Chance Grant
Workshop Session #4
Saturday, May 22 1:30pm-2:30pm Central Time
2:30pm Eastern, 12:30pm Mountain, 11:30am Pacific
Stacey Campbell—Kingdom-Sighted Restorative Justice: Looking at the Theological Basis & Goals for Effective RJ Practice in Prison
Reba Collins and Mike Davis–Emerging Paradigm for Prison and Reentry Ministry
Jon Evans–Finding the Right People for Your Organization
Scott Larson—Teaching Youth in Ways that Transform Character
Caterina Spinaris–Becoming a Correctional Staff Chaplain: An Introduction
Don Williams–Building the Bridge Between Employers and Returning Citizens