CMCA Summit Chaplain Scholarships

The Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association is committed to the spiritual care and professional growth of Correctional Chaplains.  There are dedicated Chaplains who work long and hard to serve those who live and work inside correctional facilities, but often don’t have the time off or resources to attend the CMCA Summit.

All nominations must be received no later than February 10, 2025.

The Scholarship Committee is asking CMCA members to identify these exceptional Chaplains so they can receive a scholarship to attend the CMCA Summit.

Scholarship Awards:

1 Full Scholarship – includes travel, two nights lodging and Summit registration

2 Partial Scholarships – includes two nights lodging and Summit registration

Nomination Criteria:

–Only active CMCA members may nominate a chaplain for the scholarship.

–Nominee must be a Christian and full-time chaplain for a minimum of 3 years.

To give a nomination greater weight:

  • Include ample justification to support your nomination.
  • Thoroughly discuss the nominee’s work/accomplishments.
  • Include letters of recommendation from a variety of sources – both inside and outside the facility. (supervisor, pastor, endorser, corrections administration/staff, etc.)
Please submit your nomination below–please note nomination form is 2 pages long
All nominations must be submitted by February 10, 2025.

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