4 Simple Ways Churches Can Engage in Prison Ministry
Lifeway Research article by Dr. Karen Swanson
Director, Correctional Ministries Institute, Wheaton College
CMCA regularly sends out job posting emails. If you are a CMCA member and have a job opening, you may email information about the open position here: info@cmcainternational.org.

About CMCA
The Mission of CMCA: to connect, encourage, equip and strengthen Christians as they fulfill the Great Commission in Corrections.
The Vision of CMCA: Christians working together in correctional ministry to advance Christ’s Kingdom and enhance public safety.

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Gold Organizational Members:
- Bible League International
- Doing His Time Prison Ministry
- Good News Global
- Gospel Echoes
- Jail Chaplains
- Our Daily Bread
- We Care
Silver/Church Organizational Members:
- ARM Prison Outreach
- Beacon of Light Family Ministry
- Behind the Wire Ministries
- Berean Prison Ministries
- Christian Chaplains & Coaching
- Compassionate Reprieve
- Courage for Life
- Crossroads Prison Ministries
- Damascus Reentry
- Discpleship Unlimited
- Franklin County Sheriff
- Hawaii Prison Chaplaincy
- Inside Out Jail Ministry
- Inspiration Ministries
- Kairos Prison Ministry International
- Koinonia House
- Lifeline Global Ministries
- MegaVoice
- Metanoia Prison Ministries
- Next Chapter LaCrosse
- One Community Church
- Prison Alliance
- Prison Fellowship
- Prison Fellowship Bahamas
- Prison Fellowship Canada
- Prison Mission Assoc.
- Reach the Forgotten
- Serving USA
- Sharing Hope Ministry
- The Transformation Project
- Third City Christian Church
- World Impact
- Youth for Christ-Greater Cleveland
CMCA continues to update its resources and training to equip you for ministry
Members: Log in to CMCA website and access resources and tools:
Discounts on Training:
- Life Coach Training
- Certificate in Correctional Ministries
- CMCA 2025 Summit (registration opens Jan 2025)
- Webinars (free for members)
Click Here for Video Tour of the Member Area of the CMCA website
+ Members
+ organizations served
+ member resources
About CMCA
Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association (CMCA) is a professional organization, founded in May 2011, through which Christians can celebrate their faith and passion for correctional ministry with other individuals, organizations, and churches; develop professionally through online resources, trainings, and certifications; and be inspired through uplifting journal articles, networking, and conferences.
Our Members
Members of CMCA are united to provide the highest quality of spiritual care to those who are incarcerated, have been incarcerated or detained, family members of the incarcerated, those affected by injustice, and those connected to correctional care. CMCA members are committed to providing spiritual care that is representative of the biblical model found in Jesus Christ’s ministry. As a collaborative team of evangelical Christian caregivers, CMCA desires to more effectively build the Kingdom of God and help humanity secure greater peace and safety (Ephesians 4:16, 3 John 1:8).
Because of the vast information CMCA provides, I can help inmates plan and strategize for the future, whatever the topic might be, to insure a more successful transition and recovery process. I can do this through ongoing discussions, but can also link them to resources. I can’t imagine not being a CMCA member!
Kathryn List
CMCA Member
Through the Certificate Program in Correctional Ministries and through several important publications CMI is a leading organization equipping and strengthening chaplains and others engaged in correctional ministries.

The Certificate Program is designed for individuals seeking to establish a foundation in correctional ministries and receive specialized training in correctional chaplaincy or reentry. Learn more about the Certificate Program in Correctional Ministries>>
The Marsh Center for Chaplain Studies, a Center of the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute, will provide: 3 CEUs per completed course in the Certificate Program in Correctional Ministries (must successfully complete the course with a passing grade of C+).
Enhance your ministry effectiveness with these books published by the Correctional Ministries Institute. Each book available for purchase through Amazon.
Access the CMCA store for information on each book: https://www.cmcainternational.org/store/