CMCA 2022 Summit Sponsorship Information

May 27-28, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Sponsorships help keep the Summit accessible and affordable to the ministries, organizations, churches, and individuals who benefit from the training offered at the Summit.

All Summit Sponsors are actively promoted through print, website, social media and during the event.  Below is a detailed description of the benefits offered to each sponsor level. For more information, please contact   

If we are unable to meet in person in May 2022, the CMCA 2022 Summit will be held virtually. 

Sponsors will receive the same benefits, with the following adjustments:

  • Additional Summit registrations will be provided to each sponsor.
  • Exhibit tables will be in the “virtual exhibit hall” featuring live chat, video and links.
  • Sponsor logos and videos (where applicable) will appear on the main Summit web page.
  • The Summit program book will be distributed in PDF form to all participants.

Sponsor Registration Form

Since CMCA is a Christian organization, we ask that sponsors do not present ideas contrary to a Christian world view, or promote other faiths.  If you are a new sponsor to CMCA, you must complete the form below, including your website address and uploaded logo.

  • Max. file size: 200 MB.


Summit Sponsor Promotional Information


Summit sponsors will receive promotional benefits which includes both print and electronic medium.

Each sponsor is entitled to submit an ad for the program book.  This ad will also be incorporated into the Summit announcements throughout the event.  Submit ad no later than Friday, March 18, 2022.


All ads should be 300 dpi with a 1/4″ white border on all sides.   Half Page Ads:  8″x5.25″ (1/4″ border); Full Page Ads:  8″x 10.5″ (1/4″ border)

Completed ads should be submitted as PDF, JPG or PNG.  All inquiries should be directed to  CMCA reserves the right to alter or reject any ad that is deemed inappropriate by the CMCA Executive Committee or does not fit within the design parameters of the program book as describes on this page.

Promotional Information and Deadlines

Logo:  Please submit an organizational logo to Laurel Larson before 11/30/2021 to be included in a Summit print mailing.  Logo will also be displayed on social media.

Video for CMCA homepage:  Platinum, Gold, Silver sponsors may submit a video link that will appear on the CMCA website home page.  Please submit the video link to Laurel by January 15.

Marketing Email Information:  Each sponsor may submit a mailchimp template or submit text, images, videos for the marketing email(s).  The emails will go out to over 3000 on our distribution list…we will also send it via social media.  Laurel will contact you to schedule a date to send out the email.  Marketing emails will go out beginning March 1, so please submit the email text on or before March 1st.

Plenary session video:  Platinum (up to 10 minutes) and Gold (up to 5 minutes) sponsors will be able to share a video presentation during a plenary session of the CMCA Summit.  This video must be received by Friday May 7.

Please submit all items and inquiries to

Exhibitor Information

Each sponsor will receive a table in the premium or preferred section, depending on the sponsor level.

Detailed information on set up, schedule and shipping information will be sent to each exhibitor by March 15.  Each exhibitor is responsible for return shipping.

Deadline Dates

November 30, 2021:  To be included in print mailing, must receive sponsor payment & logo

January 15:  Submit video link (youtube, vimeo) for CMCA Website (Platinum, Gold, Silver)

March 1:  Deadline to receive content for Marketing email

March 15:  CMCA will send shipping and set up information on exhibit tables

March 18:  Deadline to submit ad for program book and Summit announcements

May 7:  Deadline to submit plenary session video (Platinum and Gold only)